Wednesday, October 02, 2013

obamacare insurance mandate the real story

the mandate -- i think thats probably the biggest bugaboo as far as i can tell, it feels like this massive theft of freedom and while some might make the but you have to have auto insurance argument on the pro side, that falls short with driving being a privilege not a right. I don't think there is a tidy box this fits in so the only way to really lay it all out is to take it to its natural course.

if i refuse to get insurance and i say, hey if i'm ever sick and broke just turn me away, let me die in the parking lot are we really willing to follow through on that? because thats what this is really all about, uninsured people going to the er and the rest of us paying for it so we either agree to just let people die or we agree to pay for other peoples healthcare even if they can afford it but just dont wanna or we agree to a mandate, its, yet again, pretty damn simple.

all that is water under the bridge, we agreed to the mandate, years ago, long past, gone bye bye. i dont think it really has anything to do with freedom, yes even if you are a christian scientist and will refuse care, thats ok, you can be insured anyway, i'm certain i'm paying a fee or a tax or an interest rate that is based on carrying your sorry ass too, thats kinda what a society is sorta for. we help each other, we support the common good, to the right many say fuck that, i got mine piss up a rope and to the left, hey i didnt try very hard to get mine, gimmie but in the middle where just about everyone really lives, how much do we take care of each other and how much do we just say fuck off and let each other die?

still not game? dont want to pay either the insurance or the fine? dont make any money, money is made within a system that was built and supported by the rest of us, all you have to do is opt out of the whole thing, sorry you don't get to bag on just the stuff you don't like.

as for congress, stop the bus, let these f'ing ass hats off.

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