Tuesday, October 01, 2013


I don't think science is equipped to say when 'life' begins, there job is to determine when something far more specific happens, the definition of life is very subjective, I think viruses are not living and bacteria are because I've drawn my own intellectual line in the sand, religion has a role to be sure but mostly one's own faith and that's where we run into a huge problem, we take a step back and try to combine subjective definitions of words like life and law and governance and representative democracy and everything falls apart. as the president once said, no one is pro-abortion, its a catchy turn of phrase but what it is really pointing out is that we differ on the issue at one level as argument over what to do at another, the real unrelenting divide that we don't talk about enough is where does the law fit in with this? I don't see any way that there will ever be agreement on that question and it concerns me, I feel like we will never put down that fight to focus combined energies on actually preventing abortions by helping people, I think that's where the fundamentalism really does a disservice to itself because there is this notion that reducing the number of occurrences is not a worthy cause at all, only complete legal elimination only total agreement only the vilification and ironically killing of doctors will do, if I were a christian in the truest since of the word and thinking wwjd? my actions would be education and assistance to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place, furthering health to reduce the number of birth defect related abortions but more than anything based on the numbers, great family and community support for young mothers, such a vast number given great support from those around them would choose to keep their baby. my slogan for this combined movement that will never get off the ground is "choose life" very intentionally having the harmony of bringing the very key words of the opposing movements together, pro choice and pro life, choose life, its that simple, how can I help you make that choice? I'm reminded of the Rich Little joke where he imitated Reagan and Cronkite "cronkite: Mr. President, when do you think a fetus should be considered life? reagan: when it votes republican" in 1970 the party line was that it doesn't and I very much believe that if you were old enough to be thinking about the subject then that you would be going against the party line then and would be ridiculed as an outlier then just as someone who thinks its later does now, its not that belief I have a problem with, its the complete drumming out of dissension in either direction that screams thought police, the fact that 'what the bible says' has magically changed just points a light at the issue. as for stereotype I think we are differing in interpretation of correlation here, not everyone who believes that life starts at conception does so because they were told to by evangelical leadership just as I don't believe in global warming because Al Gore told me to I believe it because I grew up in glacier valley watching the glaciers disappear but if you are inside the Gore circle by god you better believe every bit of it without questioning, so i totally see your point, someone might see that I agree on that issue and assume i'm a pinko-commie left wing Gore worshiping liberal when I'm not.

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