Thursday, December 15, 2005


well 7 days shy of a year, damn, what a year, on the other side of the contenent now, looking very forward to a beautiful christmas with my family, very little more money, innumerable quantities of the things you cant really touch.

so before I forget, no seques...

I have come up with names for some comedic characters for which I have yet to have a story but their existance will later prove useful for applying freakishly stupid real world stories to.

Oblivia Blondemoment and Vacuoua Blindsheep

Oblivia is the kind of gal that will freshen her hair by flipping it suddenly to one side and back, smacking a stranger right in the eyes with it and as her name forwarns, never noticing she has done this.

Vacuoua on the other hand has those orphan annie eyes that let you look right through the back of her head, she doesnt fix her hair, that would take too much thinking, instead she feathers it just like her hairdresser told her to in 1977 and has yet to question the possibility of a change in styles out in the world.

she does however, pine away for our manbo Jock Bellowsloudly, he is a proud packers fan with a neck that is wider than his pointy balding come-over head, he has a deep voice that easily rattles silverware across the restaurant when he gets a little bud lite in him and feels the need to share the story about how he got that scar on his face trying to pull a hammer out of some rotted wood it had gotten stuck in, who knew it would fly back and hit him with the claw when it finally gave way. he pines for oblivia, presumably because she is freakishly skinny and has very light blonde hair on her head that scarcely matches the salt and pepper eyebrows she refuses to dye or pluck, he does this becuase his hairdresser in 1977 once told him that these where the only qualities in a woman he should concern himself with, everybody knows that a good woman never eats or thinks. while this has left him single well into his late fourties it has kept him feeling mentally superior and has allowed him to always eat all but one small sliver of the pizza during monday night football.

Vacuoua loves Jesus like a dog in heat loves aunt thelma's shin, she has never felt any real emotion but fear and would never presume to be able to tell you why loving jesus makes her a better person than you, other than 'for the bible tells me so' it doesnt actually say that in the bible, but the book itself is actually alive and has little voices that only talk to her.

but I digress

so why is chrismas better this year? I feel like I am home. home is where the people you love are and the people I love were in the house last chrismas but their souls and mine where elsewhere somehow, a great blanket of darkness and sludge lay over everything and no amount of money could buy enough that was bright and shiny to break through the vast tinted landscape of hopelessness and dispair. - it sucked. Virginia sucks. Ass. so now we are in this very funky old house with storm windows and lots of broken stuff but it has a working gas fireplace, huge trees, and our christmas tree lights just utterly glow off the hardwood floor. dreams seem to be brewing in everyones hearts and minds, hope has indeed been reborn, so, so far, this holiday doesnt look like its going to suck.

listening to soul meets body by death cab for cutie, very soothing song, also makes me feel good and I dont feel stupid and corny listening to it here. my wife downloaded it for me. she loves me. a lot. I love her more.

and my nasty commute in braindead traffic in the steam and hour down the 9 mile blvd is now a ferry, coasting quietly into port on an island, while I write this, over free wifi on my first real laptop that is new and my own.

much much more to do and say but this much is true, life is once again, good.