Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Where do I file a PTC complaint?

email I sent to http://www.parentstv.org/
you can to!


This is the group that has been bombarding the FCC begging them to take away our rights.

I am a parent of three, 22months, 13 and 15. I am an adult, I have an opposable thumb and a brain and I am not afraid to use either, I don't let my kids watch southpark, its really not that hard to be a good parent without the aid of the FCC trampling on our rights. I am not religious, therefore as an adult I can find nasty stuff on comedy central quite entertaining and would never be offended and when my kids are old enough to know better than to mimic rude behavior they see on TV I will watch it with them without getting my knickers in a twist.

Your group is part of a groundswell of conservatives that are attacking every key element of the freedoms that built this great nation. Its probably already too late for you, the extreme measures you have gone to to shove your moral agenda down our collective throats are already causing massive backlash, you know you have stepped over the line when an average clean cut joe like me wants to push back, its not like its the hells angels that want lingerie biker chics on prime time, its average free Americans that you are stepping on. When you go too far you leave us no choice but to do the same, now instead of compromising and taking it easy on the religious folks in the neighborhood, we have to make sure that somebody keeps some good smut and nasty talk going 24/7 on TV and Radio just so that we can tune in from time to time and make sure this is still America. My youngest watches Noggin, if I catch something obnoxious on that station when I have come to expect good programming for small children I am going to raise hell, not with the FCC but with Noggin, I am their customer, I dont need them fined, what greater fine is there than to lose their customers?

Just my 2 cents, wish you folks would back off.


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