her smell, particularly her neck one wiff just absolutely nails me, I get weak and dizzy, mind you I love her perfume 'black' and one other one that I dont know the name of that she wore the day we met, both very clearly say 'hey there big fella, wink' and make me feel pretty special too but the sent that is just her is beyond words.
I love how much she loves jammies, her collection of warm fuzzy super comfy very huggable jam jams puts most bobble head doll collections to shame and her love - nay - near obsession with something so clearly -good- in the root sense of the word is just adorable and beyond that shows the kind of higher intelligence that makes me feel like she really gets 'it' and therefore probably really gets 'me' whereas other obsessions and collections dont seem to have such a clear and valueable purpose. how do you defend an old coke bottle collection? 'dunno' is the most common answer. but jammies 'I like being comfortable' very simple but most humans spend most of their time and money on 'very uncomfortable' morons, my wife: genius - proof #325
I love how she loves, really loves, the people in her life nuclear and select extended family even when they dont deserve it for days,weeks,years. she is so unconditional, I can be idiotically insensitive and hyperanalitical, one of the kids can be thoughtless, thankless, nasty, rude, mean, backstabbing, others can be unreasonable, unfair, unkind, belittling and yet, non stop day after back breaking day, she loves us all with her whole heart and not just with words, with real love, action, she bites her lip, catches her breath and gets back on the horse and tries yet again to help that person, to feed the eater that just bit her hand. she understands the value of loving the act of loving someone, even when they are too wrapped up in their own shit to love her back like they should.
I love her eyes, they are nothing less than enchanting, bright and a color of green you cant even imagine, whe she isnt looking I often just sit and stare at them in wonder.
I love how freakishly fast she can type, the average touch typist couldnt even fake typeing that fast by hammering keys randomly, their fingers just arent capable of moving to the point of blur, yes blur, I've seen it, its like right out of a sci-fi movie.
I love her butt, what can I say, it just beggs to be squeezed, sometimes I just cant help myself, I could go on an on but I should just leave the rest to your imagination.
I love that she knows way more about cars and engines and mechanical things than she will ever let on - because she is a girl and knowing that stuff just aint 'pink' but I know she does and thats hot.
I love that she continues to help people with panic disorder even after thousands upon thousands that she has helped only a few have dropped crumbs of thank yous maybe a couple bucks from google ads. she saves peoples lives, their marriages, their babies, she takes people from hiding in a hole to working at a job they love, buying a house, starting a family, all with very little thanks and without anyone helping her in return get some of those things. she's just a really GOOD person right down to the core, the kind of person you want to represent the human race to alien visitors, and I get to be married to her.
i LOVE how her socks always twist around for no reason so that the big heel lump is on the front of her ankle, never knows how or why this happens but its just fucking adorable.
I love her lips, kissing her is intoxicating, its like slipping over the event horizon of a black hole, once you start you can never go back, you just have to have more. mmm. damn! - blush
I love how much energy and time and thought she puts into the kids clothes, particularly the little one that has no choice but to let her choose them, he always looks 'fabulous' and I know that some day this will translate into a self confidence in all of them, that I never had, thats love.
I love that she is a hacker and a cracker and a psychic, basically you cant even think it let alone try to hide it in an email you delete or a file you lock, if she needs to know, its getting found and with not much effort, mind you this is a HOT FEMALE I am talking about here AND she can crack your server how fucking shit hot hurray for me sucks to be you is that? I must be the luckiest geek that ever walked the face of the earth
I love her curry chicken, I love curry chicken, always have, at first she hated it, then she started to like it and now she makes it for me better than any restaurant could ever, its like crack I cant ever get enough of it and then to top it off she makes different kinds and their all bitchen and yummie and wonderful.
I love her theighs, strong, lean yet very curvy and feminine, thanks field hockey for building those for me! they really make a remarkable 'stand' for that sexy butt.
I love how much she loves me, she loves me with her whole soul, her whole body, her whole heart, she digs in deep and gives it her all when she knows I really need it, she can pull be back out of a pit of darkness in a second with even just a look that makes me feel loved, like I matter like I'm wanted.
so very much more but I think you might have the latest snowfall on the tip of the iceberg.