Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I see stupid people

I tried this next blog button a few times and came across a nice all american pro-bush site. so utterly typical of a republican, the guys says he is a millionaire according to Kerry because Kerry said that Bush ONLY gave tax cuts to people who made more than 1.2 million and since this guy got $600 last year he must be a millionaire.

so fucking stupid.

on so, many levels.

first, he didnt say that, jackass
second, if he did, per chance, by slip of the tounge, what, are you fucking 8 years old?
I bet you were one of those worthless numbnuts dipshit assholes on the play ground that would splash water on someone then point and tell everyone they peed your pants. pretty damn unacceptable then but now its dangerous, millions of uninformed anti-thinkers such as yourself are trying to re-elect Hitler and if you would take your head out of your ass for one lousy second and look anywhere about anything to do with this president you would find in every corner of the world hard real evidence that this guy is an evil schmuck and a puppet.

helloooo? I feel like I am taking crazy pills here, its like fucking charles manson is running for office and everyone is saying, oh, who cares about all that bygone stuff, look he's down to earth, isnt that nice?

down to earth my ass, overgrown spoiled brat who was installed in office, not elected, by breaking so many laws its not possible to keep track of all of them.

uh, we luv dubya, hu hu hu, k'mer bevis lets cast our vote, um hu he he he, you said cast.....

I cant believe I have to share oxygen with these people.

hopeless. just hopeless

What's in a week?

Next week a few Americans will drag their sorry asses down the the local elementary school or fire hall to 'cast their vote'. Many studies have shown that those drastically less knowledgeable or even outright wrong will be voting for dubya. We as a nation aren't very good on the facts, our education system falls way behind lessor industrialized nations and we have the lowest voter turn-out in the free world. I myself didnt register in time and therefore missed the opportunity to excercise my freedom in the 2000 election, when I could have had my vote proudly pissed on by the supreme court who, in fact, never had any legal right to call the election. But I digress.

So the big question on everyones mind is: whats going to happen?
my answer: in one way it doesn't even matter, why? because this time more so than ever before there is not a feeling of 'may the best man win' but most of us think that half of us are morons. The hard truth is that since we are so horribly divided, it is impossible to change someones mind. I heard one Bush supporter the other day say that 'what we need is a ranch hand in the oval office' clearly Fox news channel combined with the presidents inability to speak english (said so himself) have convinced an otherwise thoughtful person that he is in fact, a down to earth, simple Texas cowboy and not even a rancher, but a ranch hand. Amazing. Born into a life of wealth and priviledge, strings pulled his whole life, even went so metropolitan as to build a fake oil company that lost tons of money (very much like how he is running the country now - into the ground) AND did coke, got DWIs dodged his duty which afforded him the ability to dodge the draft (I only disrespect the underhanded nature of this, had he disowned his father and fled to canada I might think better of him)

So when its all over and one guy sits in the chair, it is likely that half the country will think that the guy in that chair was not elected and should not have been even if he was, which is no different than last time, except 'fool me once...' if GW is made dictator a second time, there will be backlash that will shake things to the ground, hurt the economy and forever lose the last thread of respect citizens have for their governance, on the other hand if Kerry makes it, the republicans will procede to finish off whats left of our civil liberties, shred the constitution and walk away laughing all the way to the bank with their childrens future in ruins.

If, however 12 years from now we find ourselves considering John Edwards for re-election after 2 terms and vp and one in the big chair, there might then be a ray of hope that we will ever again be what we once were.

At least I can still write this without the FBI pounding down my door, don't laugh, its already happening to some people, not in Afganistan but right here in America.

which reminds me of one of my favorite bumper stickers: If you don't like separation of church and state, join the Taliban.